Inventor Adventure Program
Our children face an ever-evolving future with new, more demanding, and increasingly complex problems. Partnering with IDE Academy, this 20-week course empowers children to be agile thinkers with diverse perspectives, problem solvers with great empathy, and confident risk-takers with resilience.
Unlike regular STEM classes, at the core of this program is innovation, invention, and entrepreneurship. Students will design and build solutions to problems that they identify, and get the necessary guidance to compete at the annual Singapore Invention Convention with their invention.
Through our partnership with Temasek Polytechnic, participants in this course will get an exclusive opportunity to visit the Makerspace@TP, where they can try their hand at 3D printing! Students in this course will also receive guidance on how to use Tinkercad, a 3D modelling program.
Reach out to us to sign up for this program! Classes are limited to max. 8 students.

Course details:
Our children face a future of new, more demanding and increasingly complex problems. Solving these problems will require agile thinkers with diverse perspectives and life experiences, and an ability to identify and acquire the new yet unknown knowledge needed to operate and create tomorrow’s technologies and industries. At the same time, our educational system risks growing increasingly out of step with the needs of life and work in the 21st century.
Invention Education offers a powerful approach to bridge this gap. Our Inventor Adventure Program, organised in conjunction with IDE Academy, is a 20-week course that will prepare your child for the competition. From guiding your child to identifying the problem, designing the solution, and building the prototype. We will be there at every step of the way to ensure your child is ready for the competition.
This course will take place over 2 terms, twice a week on Thursdays and Saturdays from 3.30pm – 5pm. Classes begin in July. Register today!
Venue: National Design Centre, 111 Middle Road, Singapore 188969
Thursday Session: 3:30pm – 5pm
Saturday Session: 3:30pm – 5pm
Fees: $1140 per student per term (includes all course materials). Scholarships are available on a case-by-case basis.
Registration Fee: $20 (new participants only)